
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving And Resolutions In November

As I try to finish some long overdue chores and brand new projects I find myself reflecting on Thanksgiving and this past year. Then the natural path of regrets, worries, sadness, stress of unfinished business creeps into my mind. Always does, and maybe, always will. That's who I am. Then, acceptance and new resolve to change some things creeps into my mind. For that process, I am proud and full of hope.In the past, it did not happen that way, I would always allow the first, negative, thoughts to creep into my mind. It would stop there, and I would feel horrible. Now, I allow the second process to take shape in my mind. Wonderful progress if I say so myself!!

And this is the conclusion I have come to for this Thanksgiving; I am truly grateful for so many things.

First and foremost for me this year is the simple fact I am here to be thankful. My brush with cancer this past year has renewed in me the wonder of my life and how blessed I am.

 My family. We are a mixed bunch who have evolved in some many wonderful, heartbreaking ways to become who we are now.If nothing else, we have survived and now, we thrive!

I am grateful that my son, husband, and stepson served our country in foreign lands during deployment and made it back home.

I am grateful that my son, daughter-in-law, and 2 youngest grandchildren live in the same state as we do now and not half way around the world.

I am grateful for the most kind, loving, funny husband this girl could ever ask for. Seriously, after 20 years I am still pinching myself about how lucky I am to share my life with him! AND, as a bonus, I am loved and accepted by his wonderful family who, over the years have become my family.

I am grateful for this guy. Blake has made us young again and we love his wit, sense of humor, kindness to others, and all around awesomeness.

I am grateful for my Sissy, who has been my biggest advocate, friend, and fan my whole life. She now suffers from Alzheimer's disease and as I watch her fade away I am so grateful for her love and loyalty. I treasure our time together and always will.

My friends. You know who you are.

So after counting my blessings, I resolve to try harder. To be a better wife, mom, Jamar, sister, aunt, in-law, friend, and human being. I resolve to enjoy my blessings and bask in the love. I resolve to be happier with me.

 Happy Thanksgiving!


Unknown said...

Love this post! Love you and can't wait to celebrate with you tomorrow!

allmylivesnow said...

How lucky are YOU? What a heartfelt post about the wonderful folks in your life.
Visiting from Bloody Marys etc...
Now following you via Bloglovin'

Barbara @

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