My sweet daughter-in-law has been pushing and encouraging me to start posting here again but every time I start to write, I think, how can I possibly catch up? So, I give up one more time.
Now, looking at my last post which is about our Thanksgiving last year, I realize that my daughter-in-law is right when she tells me to just start, that's all, just start writing. So here it is, the first post of 2013, with so many changes, starting over, saying goodbyes, and best of all, new beginnings !
Hands down the very best change that happened to our family is that my Marine son, daughter-in-law, and 2 grand kids moved to the San Diego area from Okinawa ! While I loved going to Okinawa to see them, going to see them in Southern California is so much better ! In fact, I cannot wait for my next little road trip driving south !
The other great change that happened this last year has been that while very frightening, my brush with cancer has enlightened me and freed me from so many things that I thought were important and really, truly are not important at all. You know, all those things that we burden ourselves with all the time. Stuff ! Oh how I have too much stuff ! Guilt ! Oh, how I am so fast to heap all that guilt on me for not being living up to my impossible expectations. And I could go and on with all the different things/feelings that I am shedding as I go.Guilt and stuff just happen to be #1 and #2 on my list right now.
Anyhow, How fortunate and blessed am I to have a Kidney Stone that initiated a Cat Scan that found my cancer so early that after 2 surgeries I am cancer free !
As far as the saying goodbye part, we said goodbye to this guy. Blue has been my constant companion for the last 14 years. He lived a wonderful life, spending his days keeping on watchful eye on "his chickens". When he got too old to see or hear much, he was content to sleep away the day or follow me around while I worked outside. He lived to be a grand old age of 17. We rescued him from the local animal shelter when he was 3 years old and he thanked us everyday with his loyalty, love, companionship, and humorous antics. I am lost without him by my side. I am also so grateful that he lived such a long time. Good Boy Blue.
So here I am again, with a resolve to continue my blog with all that is going on with my Maggie's Garden. I look forward to writing again, sharing pictures and the latest news.
Favorite Books of 2022
2 years ago
I'm so glad you're back!
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